Klaaromtewonen.nl Klaaromtewonen.nl
The place for properties that are completely renovated!


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Street Hiraistraat 5 B-21
City Amsterdam
Quarter Amstel III/Bullewijk
Area By water
Alongside park
Property type Apartment
Year of construction Na 2020
Surface area 46m2
Energy label A
Rooms 2
Bedrooms 1
Bathrooms 1
Completion In overleg
woning.balkon yes
woning.parkeerplaats yes


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Contact details

Would you like more information about this house, or do you want to plan a viewing? Click on the button below and you will find the contact details of the real estate agent.

Real estate agent FRIS Woningmakelaars Amsterdam
Email amsterdam@fris.nl
Phonenumber 020 - 301 77 15